
Board Development

Boards are fluid groups of people, serving 2 to 3-year terms as members, and usually but not always made up of professionals. It is crucial for Board leadership to refresh and update their approach to their fiduciary responsibilities, as they provide substantive direction and support to the operational leaders of their organization. Members must have a strong grounding in their roles and responsibilities on the Board, meet the needs and expectations of the operational leadership, and have a good understanding of the “do’s and don’ts" of effective Board participation.

Roger offers a clear approach for effective Board orientation, an in-depth, structured assessment of Board functioning, and on-going Board development.

Strategic Planning

Outstanding organizations have a profound understanding of their mission, vision and core values.  The deeper the understanding, the more effective the organizational culture.  But that alone is not sufficient for success. Outstanding organizations also have a robust strategy, clearly defining what it is that the organization does that is unique and valuable in the marketplace that they serve. Strategy describes, at a very high level, how the organization is going to act as it serves its mission. 

Roger provides a systemic approach for guiding organizations in determining their most effective strategic options, and assists in turning those options into highly effective operational activities.

Executive Retreats

Strategy needs to be turned into operational activity.  This requires defining the most effective tactics for achieving results, prioritizing approaches and methods for achieving those results, assigning work, developing success metrics, and overseeing the daily work being done.

Roger facilitates processes for rapid execution and implementation of operational initiatives to achieve results. Those results include major focus on product and service quality, business productivity, professional/employee engagement, and high levels of customer/consumer satisfaction.

Individual Coaching

Outstanding leaders make leadership look easy.  It is not.  Effective leaders must take people where they often do not want to go, make decisions that are often unpopular, and deal with customers who want ever-increasing quality at increasingly lower costs.  Leadership is a practice, much like nursing, law, teaching, and other professional practices.  And it requires constant learning via training and development. 

Roger uses rigorous, researched-based approaches to develop leaders who can produce outstanding results. He conducts executive group retreats as well as individual coaching to determine areas of strength and weakness, and then provides significant guidance and strategies for improvement.  His work includes the use of research-based assessment instruments, case study work, highly interactive dialogic processes, and the use of application assignments for direct experiential learning.

Keynote Speaking

Roger is available for keynote opportunities for conferences, large and small groups, based on any of his books.  Many topics are available, including: (1) Do you really understand your culture, and how it affects performance?, (2) Dealing with the Cynics, Apathetics and Naysayers who Resist Change, (3) Taking the mystery out of employee engagement, (4) Why are we marginalizing our professionals? And what can we do about it?, (5) How to deal with bullies in the workplace, and more.