May 13, 2024

What questions are you asking to guide your leadership practice?

What questions are you asking to guide your leadership practice?

Actually, the quality of our leadership is often dependent on the quality of the questions that we ask. So, what questions are you asking? Perhaps some beginning triggers are in order:

Why are we here?  Do people you are leading fully understand the mission, purpose, and expectations of their professional work?

Why are you here?  Do you, as a leader, fully understand the “why” for each of those you are leading?  Why have they chosen to do the professional work that they are doing, and are they achieving that “why” in their work?

Where are we going?  Do people you are leading fully understand the vision?  And have they had a chance to affect that vision, and make it their own?

How are we expected to treat one another as we do our professional work together?  Do people understand the kinds of relationships that are required of one another in a productive work team?

Who is responsible for what?  Do people you are leading fully understand the various roles and responsibilities of those on the team?  Do they understand their own role, and how important it is to the success of the team?

What is required for success?  Do people you are leading fully understand the metrics for success, and how their professional work will be evaluated by the consumer /customer?

What are the major priorities for action as we do the work?  Do people understand that some things are more important than other things, and that these priorities may shift as the work progresses?

How can we best help one another?  Do people understand that professional work is almost always a team process, and that they are expected to help one another be successful?

What can go wrong, and what is to be done if things go wrong?  Do people understand what the risks and barriers are, and do they have a plan to deal with any issues freely, without constraint?

What can we do right now to move things forward toward success?  Do people understand the urgency of the work, and the need to get things done?

Roger Gerard

Business and Leadership Consultant, Author, Speaker

Dr. Roger Gerard specializes in practical leadership development, from individual leaders and executives to entire organizations. The approaches are culturally sensitive, pragmatic, and focused on personal and interpersonal authenticity and respect.

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