June 4, 2024

What are people telling you about your leadership?

What are people telling you about your leadership?

And what does that say about them? Sometimes, what we hear needs translation.

Those who tell you that your comments are too bold might be reacting from envy.  Speak your truth anyway.

Those who tell you that improvements and changes are not needed might be speaking from comfort with the status quo.  Change anyway.

Those who resist your efforts to really understand how things work might be acting from anxiety.  Keep asking hard questions.

Those who expect your leadership to be perfect and free from mistakes might be bullies.  Ignore them, and learn from your mistakes.

Those who regularly blame and shame others for the problems of the organization are likely unwilling to accept responsibility.  Abolish all blame and shame.

Those who expect you to fix their problems for them are likely self-appointed victims.  Insist that they take responsibility for their own work.

Those who claim that leadership does not care about them have a narrow perspective.  Most leaders do care. Care about them anyway.

And when they tell you that they are unhappy in the organization, believe them.  And help them be successful somewhere else.

What would you add to this list?

Roger Gerard

Business and Leadership Consultant, Author, Speaker

Dr. Roger Gerard specializes in practical leadership development, from individual leaders and executives to entire organizations. The approaches are culturally sensitive, pragmatic, and focused on personal and interpersonal authenticity and respect.

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