Certainly, there is plenty to be afraid of today: huge political tensions, racial tensions, threats of violence in our streets, and to punctuate all of it, a pandemic and significant economic distress, a tsunami of possibility and risk! 2020 will go down as a not-so-great year for many, a banner year for others.But is fear of this a friend? Perhaps, it depends on how we deal with it. Fear can paralyze, or motivate. Fear can cause flight, or fight. Fear can be a source of decay, or growth. It all boils down to our choices.Fear is often subtle, revealing itself in how we deal with decisions. We tell ourselves, “not now, the time for this is not right”. Or “I am not ready for this responsibility”. Or, “Doing this is too risky!” This is fear talking, keeping us from exploring our potential, keeping us from growth, keeping us from trusting ourselves. These declarations are nothing more than excuses for unwillingness to face possibility, to be creative, and to change ourselves and our path. Greatness or mastery of any kind seldom comes from such excuses.When possibility beckons, and you feel the fear that accompanies it, face that fear and don’t wait! Waiting is time wasted!Is fear your friend? How will you respond?