May 13, 2024

A question for you for 2024

A question for you for 2024…How can you organize your time and attention so that you spend the largest share of it focused on your purpose, and doing those things you most love to do?

For some reason, we live in one-year increments…2022…2023…and now, 2024.  So, what will this new year bring for you?  Without focus on the question, 2024 will likely be much like the previous two years.

I believe this is mostly about focus…we need to ask what life is asking of us.  We need to have a clear focus on our purpose, what we intend, and why, and on the abundance available to us to make our purpose happen.  It is in purpose that our lives begin to take on meaning. And meaning is not something we find.  It is something we make.

Do we focus on what others want from us?  Or on what we know in our heart and soul is most important for our own success in life?

Do we focus on our limits? Or on our possibilities?

Do we focus on our weaknesses? Or on our strengths?

Do we focus with resentment on what we do not have? Or with gratitude on the abundance of what we do have?

Do we focus on what is wrong in life? Or on what we can do to make our lives better?

Do we focus on the problematic differences we have in our relationships?  Or on the beautiful gifts that our lovers and friends bring us because they are different?

Do we focus on blaming others and circumstances for what we do not like in life? Or do we take responsibility for every facet of our life?

All of these questions present choices, and the choices we make will create the architecture for our life in 2024.  

So, what are your choices?  How can you organize your time and attention so that you spend the largest share of it focused on purpose, and doing those things you most love to do?

Roger Gerard

Business and Leadership Consultant, Author, Speaker

Dr. Roger Gerard specializes in practical leadership development, from individual leaders and executives to entire organizations. The approaches are culturally sensitive, pragmatic, and focused on personal and interpersonal authenticity and respect.

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